STILL calling and texting. Left me a voice mail, saying he thought we had a good conversation on Wednesday. Clearly my ignoring him wasn't getting through (probably partly because I said I would see him and stayed on the phone with him for like 2 hours [I know, I know, wtf is wrong with me]).
So I sent him this text: Hi Sylar, I've changed my mind. After we hung up land I was able to reflect on the conversation I concluded that we are really not compatible. Best of luck.
His response: You too. No hard feelings. Trust me, I know what kind of guys Miami has to offer and you're going to need all the luck you can get. ;) Best wishes.
Wow, right?
This is definitely the pancake-flipping Daddy Sylar. I guess, like many people who are kinda abusive, if you slap them down a little they play nice for a while.
I'm not saying this to be mean and mock him; I'm saying it because my mom heard on Oprah once, "When someone shows you who they really are, believe them the first time." And Sylar showed me he's abusive.
The thing that really bothers me is that so many of the men I encounter want to tear me down. My ex, the guy before him, the guy before that, my college boyfriend, my boss, the guy that brought some other girl to the Halloween party (we'll call him "C"). Sigh. I don't know if I am attracting that or maybe even antagonizing them. I realized today in the car that I pointed out during a group conversation how my different friends talk - one has an upstate NY thing going on, one sounds like she's from Connecticut, one sounds accentless, and that C sometimes does this Spanglish thing where he reverses adjectives and nouns. I mean, Spanish was his first language and he grew up in Miami, so it's not a crazy thing to happen. He doesn't have the Cuban accent that a lot of people born here have; but maybe pointing that out actually made him feel bad. Duh? Are you thinking duh? So maybe that's why he told me I was brave for speaking Spanish.
Except mature people that I would actually want to spend my time with would have the self-awareness to figure out that this bothered them, and then tell me I was an ass, rather than criticizing me about some bullshit weeks later.
Lesson of the day: I should not forget that I can be a total ass sometimes, and I should really apply that mind-mouth filter more regularly.
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
14 hours ago
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