On Friday I had what I would characterize as an unbelievably good interaction with manager of the condo association where I live. She is extremely difficult and strict, and has a reputation has quite a problem whenever I talk to people doing repairs, the cable company, even the guy from AAA that replaced my car battery! Somehow she she opened up to me that it was really hard to manage the place, she knows they call her things like "Castro," but it was because before she took over everything was a mess... Somewhere between her story and my current landlord's (much different) lies the truth, I am sure. Anyway, at the end she said she would keep doing it until she couldn't anymore - she's like 55. I said, "Oh, that won't be for quite a while!" and I got a kiss blown at me for that!
On Saturday the cable guy came and I told him about this, after he asked if I knew about her (they always ask, she's famous!). I told him the story and he said she's a lesbian, she must like me!
So if nothing else, I have a 55-year-old lesbian. My pickings are pretty slim, so who knows, right? Hee hee.
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
2 hours ago
Sugar Momma?
Maybe she'll give me some kickbacks.
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