He was right on, time a good sign. In Miami sometimes they're late - bleh. I was actually 5 min later, and he texted me to ask what drink I wanted.
I walk into the restaurant and am not sure where he is, until I see this guy with a blue flame-type tattoo around his lower left arm. I remembered it from his pics. Badass, right? My mom's already in love with this one, hah.
He's cute! And he's got very carefully sculpted facial hair - very closely trimmed, thin sideburns (it looks good) and, well, a soul patch. Sounds awful, but on an artsy guy it's cool. He tells me about his job - he's the art director at an advertising company. I kept picturing episodes of "Mad Men," but he's working on commercials and Mad Men isn't truly there yet. ;)
So, grown-up career: check. Really digs it: check.
He's got a heavy Brazilian accent, so he can be hard to understand, especially in a noisy place like the restaurant we were at. Learned he's a huge soccer fan (big shock, not). And big into motorcycles, based on his photos and that his shirt said "Harley Davidson" on the pocket.
I was indecisive about the menu - I can be extremely indecisive. I know men hate this. But anway, he says, "You remind me of my ex-wife." "Great," I said.
We talked about religion, always a great topic on a first date (oy), but it was a cool conversation. He's got a lot of opinions and some of his views are pretty interesting (as opposed to lame, boring, or nonexistent). But he might be a little out-there. Or just interesting. Out-there might be okay if he's not an alcoholic and can hold a job.
We were talking about the band Queen. He said Freddie Mercury's parents were Indian, and I was certain they were like Afghani or something. He said, "You wanna bet on it?" And for some reason I said, "Yeah!" "Really?" "Yes. What's it for?" "This dinner," he said.
I lost.
He found this amusing. I'll be honest, I was annoyed. Probably childish. He went to the bathroom, and I texted my friend, "I just lost a bet and I think I have to pay for dinner!"
Okay, it was funny. When he came back I told him I texted her and we cracked up.
After much debate, asking the waitress for her opinion about whether he was really going to make me pay, blah blah blah, him enjoying it the whole time and me thinking, Really? You're really gonna make me pay?, we split it. Because he wanted to be a "gentleman." "I wouldn't go that far," I said. I think he was surprised a bit. I was just being honest. I felt like he could actually handle my honesty, which is pretty unusual. Check.
At the end I said, "Do I still remind you of your ex-wife?" "No," he said. "Good."
We left, and he said, "I'm gonna take you over there to get a drink," since I had to pay or because he wanted to act in good faith or hopefully because he just liked my company. Dude, he was wearing (nice) flip flops. Very casual but well-done look as a whole. A perfected look all in all. I have to say that since flip flops are my "shoe" of choice, it's cool. But on a first date? So I said, "I'm glad you dressed up for me," teasingly. He laughed, and told me how he gets them from his ad agency because they're free. He held the door to the bar open for me. I said I dressed up for him, that I changed out of jeans, tshirt and flip flops for the date.
We talked a lot about Brazil. He started talking geography, and drawing invisible maps on the bar as we talked about different places. I was impressed with his invisible maps, and said so. I put on my glasses to find the bathroom, and he said glasses are sexy and I looked good in them. I must have smiled big because he says, "Oh, you like that?" "Of course I do, I'm a girl!" I said.
He also said I looked good in my outfit.
At ten I was like, "Oh, I'm gonna get a parking ticket." I had only put 2 hours in the meter, at 7:30. He was like, "Oh, that's not good, let's go," and we walked to my car. He's at least 5'11". Check. We chatted by my car for a minute, then he hugged me a little longer than absolutely necessary and we said good bye. It was a nice hug. I remember it fondly as I write this.
Then like 20 minutes he texted me, "Drive safe!" Here's the rest:
I'm already at my bldg
But thanks ;)
Him: Have a good night.
You too. Had fun.
Him: Nice, thanks for honoring the bet. Bets are sacred.
Yes, I've learned that! Women don't bet much, I think.
Him: Well equal rights to everybody in America. Equal rights = equal responsibilities ;) A bet is a bet I am pen for new bets, If I loose (sic), I pay.
Yes, you're right. Oh, you'll pay. I'll find something good. ;)
Him: It is ur right feel free
Him: Shower lalari lo loooo!!
Him: Figaro figaroooo lalai lo looooo!!
Opera in the shower?
Him: Yes. My phone is getting wet lalariloloooo
Not Queen or heavy metal?
Him: Some Judas Priest. Frewheel (sic) buuuurrnniinnnggg!
So, I dunno. If he calls/texts, I will go out with him again.
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
14 hours ago
He sounds worthy of a second date. You blogged about having a good time, which you haven't done in some of your recent date posts. So that's a good thing. Anon. #1 - I now feel obligated to put the # b/c of #2. Ugh.
I agree with my pal #1!
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