26 wasn't as cute as his pictures, but okay. He's very smart and articulate. Check. We spent a lot of time just talking. We also saw "District 9," which was my second time (love that movie). He's into that sort of genre. Check. We ended up talking late into the night, at which point he started telling me about his mother. Apparently she's rather difficult and selfish. It went on and on. I was rapidly losing interest. He just doesn't have the insight to deal with her or accept her limitations. I know that most people probably don't. It was all just so off-putting. I said, "I don't want to talk about this any more." He asked why, and I said, "Because it's depressing." Apparently the idea that spending 30-45 minutes talking about how messed up his mom is and how hard it is to deal with her but he keeps giving her another chance because he knows she can change isn't strange conversation to him on a first date. Finally I said I was going home, and he was like, "Can I steal a kiss?" And I was like, "No." And thinking, good god no, please leave me alone! He was really pressuring me. Looking back, it kinda makes me mad!
I had initially said I wanted to see him again, but after all that I was d-o-n-e. He asked if we could still go out the next night and I said I didn't know, I needed to think about it.
Then the on Saturday he's calling to ask me out, then texting immediately. I texted back that I am no longer available. Then he texts me:
(No response from me)
Gee (my name), normally I wouldn't care, but I really think you and I could be friends. Forget about the dating part, it'd be nice to have you around....
And then I'm feeling bad, so I text back, "ok"
Then today he texted that I should really watch last night's True Blood, because we had discussed that we both like it.
I feel so pressured to be his friend! So I'm just going to ignore him for a while, and then if he keeps this up I'll tell him I don't want to be friends.
I just feel like he's pushing me and violating my boundaries all over the place.
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
2 hours ago