1. What are you most passionate about? | ||||||
A lot! Helping others, improving our country, doing the right thing. And I'm very passionate about my job. | ||||||
2. What are the THREE things for which you are MOST thankful? | ||||||
1. 2. 3. | ||||||
3. Other than your parents, who has been the most influential person in your life and why? | ||||||
In recent years, my boss. I've learned a lot about myself through my interactions with him. But my parents really helped me learn how to write well (I try not to start sentences with "but," for one thing, heh), and I think that was a life-long gift. | ||||||
4. The four things your friends say about you are: Edit | ||||||
5. What are three of your BEST life-skills? Edit | ||||||
6. What is the most important quality that you are looking for in another person? | ||||||
A highly intelligent, educated, kind, thoughtful, funny, honest guy who treats people well. Can't limit it to just one! | ||||||
7. Other than your appearance, what is the first thing that people notice about you? | ||||||
That I'm smart and/or funny. And obviously, modest. ;) | ||||||
8. What is the ONE thing that people DON'T notice about you right away that you WISH they WOULD? | ||||||
I can come across as very outgoing, social and talkative - but that's only one side of me. I can be quiet and pensive sometimes. | ||||||
9. How do you typically spend your leisure time? | ||||||
Reading, socializing, exercising, watching tv, and right now, painting canvases to decorate my apartment and making jewelry. | ||||||
10. What are five things that you "can't live without?" | ||||||
| ||||||
11. Describe the last book that you read and enjoyed. What was it about? What did you like most about it? | ||||||
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," which takes place in Sweden. Pretty good mystery-type novel. I enjoyed the Swedishness of it, since I'm part Danish. | ||||||
12. Describe one thing about yourself that only your best friends know. | ||||||
It would be unwise to put that all over the internet, now wouldn't it? ;) | ||||||
13. Is there any additional information you would like your matches to know about you? | ||||||
I'm an attorney but don't practice. I travel to Baltimore and DC at least 5 times a year. Please be at least 6 months out of your last meaningful relationship if you want to contact me. :) | ||||||
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
2 hours ago
#4 scratch articulate (has no meaning in the dating world) instead you are passionate, caring, stubborn (you use this power for good not evil), wonderful, sometimes whiny (arent we all), always fun, typically do too much,
I feel like # 2) doesn't represent your heart and spirit well except for the first answer-If it was me most thankful -love # 1 ---I am sure # 2 gets lost in the dating world think about what you are really trying to portray here and rewrite. --#3 change it to your love of learning new things and being open to new ideas .
Best life skills -what about your tremendous ability to go out and meet and network with both friends and colleagues,
what you would like your matches to know about you. remove the thing about 6 mos that is what you want from them and it sounds pretty judgemental when typed there. I think you need to say something about the fact that you work for a non profit rather than using your law degree to be a lawyer -obviously try not to give to many details since it is the internet. You could say something like you use the degree for good rather than evil :) I think it says something about you that will be important for getting hte right man. You could say somewhere that you are looking for a partner (if this is true-or would you rather have a boss type or caregiving typ?) What you would like to do with the person. go to movies, watch sci fi, go to south beach, just relax together ---whatever you like. give them a picture of what makes you happy in a relationship so they no if the fit the bill. stay away from negative statements like don't contact me if you like S and M instead say I have normal standards for sex (ha ha funny example dont actually write this).
This is my 2 cents take what you like leave the rest... don't sell yourself short! relationships are aboout the heart and your profile currently doesn't show yours. You are awfully good at hiding it sometimes but this is not the place. Your big heart is what makes you a wonderful friend, emplyee, and probably girlfriend. Also i didnn't see any of your humor in this which is just misleading. You are funny and outspoken, but keep a big part of you safe and special for htose you allow closest.
#2 scratch your "self-awareness and ability to grow and learn" Guys may see this as too therapy-ish and self-serving. You COULD simply put family on one line and "wonderful friends" on the next!
#3 omit "I've learned a lot about myself through my interactions with him." Again, perhaps too therapy-ish. Could say "he's been an excellent mentor" or some such less unnecessarily revealing comment.
#5 omit "Communicating my innermost thoughts and feelings". Again, TMI. Can say something like "being understanding of others."
#6. Might be less demanding seeming (I guess that's the way off-hand I'd put it) by saying Absolutely tops for me is an honest guy who treats others well. Might I add also that highly intelligent, educated, kind, and funny mean a LOT to me!"
#12 Don't like this. I KNOW you and you are being funny, but, it may come across as sexually provocative. Look for something else. Not sure what!
#13 Perhaps better to say something like I am an attorney but I chose to work for an organization that focuses only on helping others.
I like what the 1st Anon. said as well! I like the suggestion of saying what you'd like to do with a partner,e.g go to movies, watch sci-fi, take walks or whatever.
There's a cardinal rule about writing fiction that could well be applied to profiles: Show don't tell.
Instead of saying you are articulate, write an articule profile. Think about what you want your profile to communicate, then make sure to write things that demonstrate that. Scratch all adjectives and replace them with verbs.
This is why I hate the eHarmony format. It lends itself to adjectives and makes everyone sound generic. But in this format, think about what your answers to these stock questions communicate about you. Some places where you could be more creative are Questions 1, 3, 9 (especially)and 13. It's not so much about honesty, but using the questions to show, not tell, something essential about yourself.
All of this is easier said than done, of course. Anon 1 has great advice.
Anon 1 is right about framing things positively to avoid sounding judgmental.
Wonder if in area where you talk about things you like to do if you might interest some guy with expressing an interest in something more "guyish", but something you genuinely like.(tennis, chess, learning to play golf, certain board games or games...of that ilk)
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