1. What are you most passionate about? | ||||||
A lot! Helping others, improving our country, doing the right thing. I'm very passionate about my job. And I find humor in many situations, which is very important to me! | ||||||
2. What are the THREE things for which you are MOST thankful? | ||||||
1. 2. 3. | ||||||
3. Other than your parents, who has been the most influential person in your life and why? | ||||||
In recent years, my boss. I've learned a lot from him, including some good jokes. | ||||||
4. The four things your friends say about you are: Edit | ||||||
5. What are three of your BEST life-skills? Edit | ||||||
6. What is the most important quality that you are looking for in another person? | ||||||
Absolutely tops for me is an honest guy who treats people well and likes to laugh. | ||||||
7. Other than your appearance, what is the first thing that people notice about you? | ||||||
That I'm smart and/or funny. And obviously, modest! | ||||||
8. What is the ONE thing that people DON'T notice about you right away that you WISH they WOULD? | ||||||
I can come across as very outgoing, social and talkative - but that's only one side of me. I can be quiet and pensive sometimes. | ||||||
9. How do you typically spend your leisure time? | ||||||
Going to the clubs, dancing until 4 am ... Just kidding. I spend my time reading, hanging out with friends, exercising, watching tv, and a couple of little hobbies. | ||||||
10. What are five things that you "can't live without?" | ||||||
| ||||||
11. Describe the last book that you read and enjoyed. What was it about? What did you like most about it? | ||||||
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," which takes place in Sweden. Pretty good mystery-type novel. I enjoyed the Swedishness of it, since I'm part Danish. | ||||||
12. Describe one thing about yourself that only your best friends know. | ||||||
I didn't put an answer here - couldn't come up with anything original | ||||||
13. Is there any additional information you would like your matches to know about you? | ||||||
I'm an attorney but I use my knowledge for good, not evil! I travel to Baltimore and DC at least 5 times a year. | ||||||
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
14 hours ago
Better! Change articulate to something else...sweet? loyal? kind? etc.
I changed it to "dependable" - there's a list to choose from. I chose passionate at first, but then realized that sounded sexual and I didn't mean it that way!
Dependable---hmmm---do you have to use the list? Why not be light yet self flattering, e.g. "cute nose"!It's true!
Yes, I have to use the list. "Cute nose" doesn't sell men, I suspect. Also sounds like everything else ain't cute. Which is so not true. I am stunningly adorable.
Oh! If you have use a list, so be it. Can you give us some other choices you'd consider besides dependable? Maybe I am being too picky!
Are you leaving the question blank about what only good friends know about you or are you still thinking about it? How about "I used to play the violin in middle school" or some such tidbit from a younger age?
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