I talked to #7 from eharmony. We clicked really, really well. Friday night he said he'd call me later, and he hasn't called. I see that since then he's looked at my profile on eharmony. It's just weird, you know? I mean, I think I know why #4 and #5 didn't call. But I don't have any idea with this one. Thing is, he's apparently just lost 200 pounds (yes, 200). And he even said that he's still learning how people perceive him now, and it's all new to him.
I guess I sense there is a project in #7, and I don't want a project. I don't want to train a new one, you know? I want a guy that's already a little trained - maybe lived with a girl, if not divorced. And I guess I also sense that he's going to have some serious self-esteem issues. Barf-o.
Tonight at my dinner club, I think there were two guys interested in me! One is 22, but he was fun to talk to, mature for his age, and unperturbed when I said I was old enough to be his mother - he totally worked me anyway, all the right questions. Really has his shit together, running a small company already with 4 employees. The other is one I've met before (he's older than me at least), and I get a good vibe from him. He's a teacher. Cute guy, laughs at my jokes (always a good sign, right?). Passed me several times during dinner, put his hand on my back. Then I moved and sat by him and some of my girlfriends in the group. He tucked a flower behind my ear. He seemed nervous! It was sweet. We chatted for a while. As we were all leaving, he said, "Well, I guess I'll see you again before Christmas, right?" I said maybe, because "I'm a busy girl!" I think he was trying to figure out about asking me for my number. Or I'm crazy, but I don't usually imagine things. Oh, and he's best friends with this guy that I was talking to on match.com until I approached him at one of these dinners and was like, "Hey, howya doin'?" After that he never responded to my email. It's weird though whenever I see the guy, because I feel like I'm the one that rejected him - it's something about how he acts.
This totally gorgeous guy I met at dinner about a month ago wants to go out with a girl from my women's book club that I brought to that dinner. Despite his obvious social skills, he didn't seem to quite know how to go about it, so I had to spell it out - give me your number, give me your email, blah blah blah. I've already emailed her, the lucky duck! This guy is gorgeous! And smart. And loaded. I pointed out that he wouldn't even have been sitting next to her if I hadn't hailed him over and strongly encouraged him to plop down next to her. I'll tell him he owes me one! I suspect he would know what kind of guy to set me up with. He seems to have my number already, as they say.
Oh, and I met a real cutie last night at this guy's book club meeting in South Beach.
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
14 hours ago
i think you should go with the 22 year old, especially since you said "he's got his shit together" - you've dated so many guys that haven't had it together
You-know-who from Friday nights works there.
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