Another guy I'm communicating with said in his Must Haves/Can't Stands that he can't stand someone who "watches tv all the time." Since I watch tv pretty much every day, does that sound like it's probably more than he could stand? I mean, I watch a lot of tv, I guess. So then I should close the match, I guess? Input, anyone?
Looks like he won't have a problem with my potty mouth, though. ;)
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
14 hours ago
you could be direct and ask what "all the time" means and tell him you watch some tv every day as well as have other interests. re: "potty mouth"...does he use a lot of foul language? that could be creepy at this point.
Well I dont think you have time to watch tv with all the dating. What do you think the guy would say to that? Think he would prefer the dating. It may just mean that he likes to go out a lot which could be good if it out doors and fun stuff. bad if it bar hopping. Oh well I love tv and it is great when you have nothing else to do like when you are sick. I wouldnt want it to be my only soource of entertainment though. I like people and socializing.
The potty mouth reference was to my eharmony match to a guy who doesn't like foul language
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