Bobby initially wanted to meet in Coral Gables, near his office on Miracle Mile. Since I already trekked up to Aventura for date #1, I asked if we could do something more convenient for ... me? Duh? He knew where I worked/lived. Already a bad sign when they can't figure out that they should at least pretend to be accomodating for the first date.
Then I realized I had to be near the Mile to go to my friend's birthday party later in the evening, so I called Bobby and asked him to meet me at a Starbucks on the Mile.
I'm running late, as usual, and then can't find parking because (duh) I didn't give myself enough time for a Friday evening. I eventually park in some municipal garage, get out on the street, and find myself completely lost. Then I realize I just need to figure out where the Douglas and Le Jeune Roads are, and I'll be fine. But I'm late, so I call him:
Me: "Hi, I'm a little turned around."
B: "Okay, where are you?"
Me: "In front of Tarpon Bend (a bar/restaurant)."
A few lines go back and forth about going to the Starbucks.
B: "Where are you?"
Me: "In front of Tarpon Bend."
A few lines back and forth - should he meet me there, I say no because I need to be near Starbucks later anyway.
B: "Where are you?"
Me: "In front of Tarpon Bend," getting a little frustrated.
A few lines back and forth.
B: "Where are you now?"
Me: "Um, I don't know how to answer that question. I've already answered it several times."
I admit, I was bitchy when I said it. Totally.
Now that I've established that our communication has broken down before we've even met, I'm not looking forward to the date. Especially since earlier in the day when we spoke, he said we could meet and "conversate." I was horrified, because he wasn't being funny. I guess my list of required qualities now includes genius (see Date #1) and excellent grammar. Did you know there is a blog called conversateisnotaword? Because others hate it as much as me!
Bobby's lines of conversation run in two lines:
1) How attractive/hot/sexy I am
2) What do I do in my free time (Ugh - see Date #1)
Then he says, "So why are you still single at 29?" His tone was a bit critical.
I said, "I don't think I was really ready until a few years ago for a real relationship. Then I had one, it ended, and I took a year off to figure out what went wrong. I think I know now."
I know I don't owe a stranger an explanation, but he asked!
Then I asked him, "So why are still single at 37?" And yes, I was a little snotty.
"I just haven't met the right person," he sighs.
He asks me what my religion is. I'm not gonna bust out with my 12-step rap just yet, heh, so I say "unaffiliated. You?"
"Really?" I said. "I would've thought a Puerto Rican guy from New York would be Catholic." I said this very nicely!
I think I was sort of in shock that I had stumbled on an Evangelical in Miami, where everyone is Jewish, Catholic, or just not very religious. Those are really your choices.
Afterwards, we said we'd get together again but I doubt he was dying to see me. And he hasn't called, thank goodness. I went to my friend's party and told my (Catholic/nonreligious) friends about the date and we all laughed.
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
14 hours ago
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