Saturday I participated in a moving party of sorts at the Flamingo in South Beach, and learned the down side of having 15 friends go through all your stuff while you're distracted. At least none of us put his underwear on our heads and ran around the apartment! After we were done and lounging in the new place, the second dinner group guy I was matched with showed up. We teased the hell out of each other, and he said, "What kind of e-harmony girlfriend are you going to be if you don't remember that I lived in Baltimore?" So then we told people we were matched. We agreed to let each other view our personality profiles, which you don't normally display on the site. So today I logged in and saw that he had checked out my profile again, then I changed my settings so he could see my big long mess of a personality profile. He hadn't shown his though so I emailed him on facebook to do it, then he did immediately. It's funny, sometimes I felt like I was reading about myself a bit, and other stuff struck me as highly accurate about him. It was different than my own profile because the format is MUCH easier to read - I don't know if mine will read like that for him. I'm letting him take the lead on that convo! I want to be pursued! I want to be chased! I'm not doing all the work until I already have them definitely interested.
On the drive home I talked to the guy who owns a dive shop. He seemed to talk about himself a lot. But then, I've been known to do that so I'm trying not to pass judgment. Plus we had a cool convo about a band I didn't expect him to like that I like a lot (All American Rejects) and he seems like a cool guy. And he lives in the Keys but comes up to Kendall twice a week for ice hockey, so the distance isn't an issue for him.
Finally, on Sunday I went out with #8, who is a Chinese-American project supervisor for a construction company. I had a lot of fun! We met at Starbucks on Miracle Mile in the Gables and the weather was PERFECT. We laughed a lot about non-pc stuff, which is always fun for me. I'm SO not pc. Heh. Anyway, at the end he walked me to my car and asked me out again right there on the spot, and I said yes. It'll be after I get back to Miami on the 30th. We were going to do Ethiopian, but I just learned last night that Sheba is closed, so we'll have to pick another cuisine. Anyway, #8 may party too much, or at least hang out with that type of crowd too much for me, but we'll see. I just had a lot of fun!
Sunrise — 6:14, 6:25.
2 hours ago