Thursday, January 8, 2009

#12- date tomorrow night

So another guy from just called me and I'm going to meet him for a late-ish dinner (8:45 so I can see my friends first as I promised them) at a Thai restaurant. So this week I'll have done Mexican, Japanese and Thai. And saved money on groceries (oooh, I'm bad). This one has this cute way of saying "Right on" instead of "okay" or "cool," like a retro hippie. He may not be mature enough for me, but he seems smart. I just have to look up what he does again since I can't remember!!


Anonymous said...

Effin' hipsters. He probably says stuff like "rad," too.

Almost in America said...

When I met him I said he sounds like he's from California. He didn't call me dude though (although *I* call everyone dude).