Monday, January 19, 2009

#8 - nixed

I had to kiss 8 - it was our third date and after awhile I gotta man up and find out if there is chemistry, right? There isn't. Kissing him is not exactly what I want. Ever again. Sigh.

I left this necklace that I really like at his place. So today I texted him and asked him to mail it to me! Ballsy. Gave him my work address. He said he'd put in the mail tomorrow. I said I needed it for Wednesday because I had planned a perfect outfit to hit up an acquaintance for major donor contacts for work (a complete lie, although I do plan to do this, I would never have planned my outfit this far in advance!). I feel a little manipulative, but what am I supposed to do? I really like the necklace!!

9 is supposed to be back in town and hopefully I'll hear from him soon. I've changed my settings in eharmony to start sending me matches again. Will also ask an acquaintance to go ahead and set me up with a guy she knows, if he's still available. Before the holidays I was a little busy! And after them...

Now that I don't have new guys in pipeline, it's a little depressing. Gotta get some ducks in a row!! Line 'em up and strike 'em out!

Oh, and I've left such an impression on 12 that he still hasn't called. Mostly I was just curious as to whether he would. He's not what my friends and I would call an ideal candidate. ;)


Anonymous said...

And so it goes in the life of "as the Almost in America turns............."

Tune in next time when Almost in America says.............

Almost in America said...

Like sands through the hour glass...