Saturday, January 17, 2009

Third Date with 8

On Wednesday 8 texted me. Asked what I was up to that evening. I said errands. He asked if I wanted to hang out. I said no - (1) I was really tired and (2) don't ask me out for the same night until we're, like, more serious than this! He said he could do it Saturday after watching some "fight" (boxing? extreme fighting? whatever) and could we meet at like 11:30 or midnight. Er, what? I said no. He said he would forgo the fight then, but then, "you'll owe me," he joked. I texted back, "ROFL. I am way more fun than a fight!"

Then last night I called to tell him that I might not be able to go out because I wasn't feeling well (hey, it's only been one thing or another since December 27th, don't know why I'm complaining, right? But now I am FINALLY better, dammit.) He answered the phone like, who is this? I teased him back. He said, "Is that why you called me?" "No, I wanted to let you know that I'm actually a man." "Oh, good, that's actually what I'm looking for." It was funny.

About to leave for the date -we postponed it from 8:30 to 9 just now because he got home late from a bbq. I'm detecting a potential pattern of inconsiderateness. Either that, or he hasn't been trained. He's not divorced, so that is good evidence he hasn't been trained. Marriage trains them. You know what I'm talking about.

9 comes home tomorrow! I've been waiting since he left. Such a dork.


Anonymous said...

Was there ANY inconsiderateness before this week? If yes, there is a pattern. If no, watch the situation with both eyes open!

Anonymous said...

u go girl
: )